Monday, November 26, 2012

Too Much Turkey!!

Okay, I didn't have too much turkey.  I wish I had more!!!  A lot of people are not turkey fans and just really go for the sides, I'm about the whole shebang!!  Bring on the turkey!  The best part about it?? The left over sandwiches...mmmm... I don't even need anything fancy, just a good roll, some awesome cheese, maybe a little mayo, and the turkey.  That makes this girl one happy camper.  

So it has been a few days since Thanksgiving and I have been one busy girl!  Just curious, did anyone else do any Black Friday shopping?  There weren't many people out!  We have been in huge need of a TV.  We have been rockin' out with a fantastic tube forever.  We finally upgraded in the world and now are the proud owners of a 40" Samsung!!   (The hubby's new toy).  I was lucky enough to get a new toy too!  A MacBook Air!!! YAY!  I will need this for grad school in January, but for now it's my new toy.  Well except for the fact I barely know how to use it.  Any tips?!  What apps to I need to download/buy??  Also who got what on Friday or did you wait until today, Cyber Monday??

I promised a recipe if all went well, and it did!!  So I found this Cranberry Orange Quick Bread years ago, and I have no idea where it came from, but it's always a hit.  Everyone seriously loves it and will be asking you to make it year after year!!

Cranberry Orange Quick Bread

2 cups flour (+ extra for loaf pan)
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 stick cold butter cut into pea size pieces* (+ extra for loaf pan)
1 orange zested
3/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 orange peeled, sections removed, and diced
1 egg
1 cup dried cranberries

*I used my pastry cutter to start this process then added the flour sooo easy!!*

Preheat oven to 350*

-In food processor combine flour, sugars, baking soda, and butter.  Pulse, pulse, pulse, until mixture resembles finely grated cheese. (This step can also be done in a large bowl with a pastry blender, then using a hand mixture for the rest of the recipe).
-Add orange zest, juice, and egg.  Pulse, pulse, pulse.
-Move to bowl, stir in orange and cranberry.
-Prep loaf pan with butter and flour, add mixture and bake 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Rotate halfway through.
-Let cool 20 minutes before removing from the pan.

It takes about 45 minutes to do a little loaf pan!  I got these adorable ones from Michael's for only $1.50 each!  They made the cutest Thanksgiving little gifts!!  UPDATE- no pictures because I have no idea how to work my mac.  HELP PLEASE!!!!

I have recently been doing a few other Pinterest projects and a few of my own!  I'll keep you posted blogosphere!  But right now I'm covered in glue and burlap, if that's anything to go by and my freezer is stocked with goodies.  Until later...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Gobble!!

Ready to "Gobble 'til you Wobble?!"  I am!!!

This is my first Thanksgiving in 25 years I will not be at my mom's house.  A thought that scares me to death.  I'm very close with my family and I love my mom's food!  I can taste the greenbean casserole now….mmm….
Well this year I will be spending it with my in-laws!  I love them to death, they are absolutely wonderful people, and I am excited.  But no mom's apple pie… Anyways enough thinking about myself and my mom's food.
I cannot turn up anywhere empty handed, I am so over the top when it comes to cooking and making things for holidays, my poor husband is scared to come in the kitchen around Christmas… wait for the pictures.  This time it was a little harder trying to come up with what to make!  There are so many things I wanted to make that my mom does so I can bring a little bit of my Turkey Day, but I needed to make sure not to step on any toes!!! 
Mama Cille (Great-grandmother Lucille) is in her 80's and is still cooking the Thanksgiving dinner for the hub's family.  I didn’t want to make anything she already does, and didn’t want to bring something so new and different it well… I don’t even know, it's a weird balance.  Anyone else have this problem???? What did you do???

Okay enough of the ridiculousness from me.  My recipes this year:

Crockpot French Toast Casserole
Chocolate Truffles
Sausage and Apple Stuffing (I'm a horrible southerner, I don’t care if it's not in the bird it's not "dressing" that goes on a salad)
Cranberry Orange Quick Bread

Recipes will be posted once I make sure everything is delicious!!!

The picture above is one of my mini Cranberry Orange Quick Bread.  Oh my goooodness.... so delicious.

Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Welcome to my little ol' blog.  I feel I really needed a way to record everything, I've never been a diary keeper, but to me this is a little different.  Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it :o).