Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Welcome to my little ol' blog.  I feel I really needed a way to record everything, I've never been a diary keeper, but to me this is a little different.  Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it :o).

 A little about me…. My name is Kaitlynn and I am 25 and a newlywed.  I love new projects and "pinteresting" my way through life.  I'm figure out the whole life and married thing as I go, I have an amazing husband Hunter and a fantabulous dog Louie.   I hope tune in to check out my pinterest reviews,  my own projects and recipes, and just pure entertainment.

So that picture above is me on the wedding day!  Sick as a dog... hopefully you can't tell.  But I was also tiny and it has only been since March and I've put 20 pounds back on.. ugggggh.  So I'll hopefully have a few posts on getting back to that size!!! (I need encouragement. Ugh I hate "diet/lifestyle change/exercise).  Can't I just think thin thoughts and be tiny.  Okay enough rambling for today.

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